Tag Archives: Interviewing Techniques
Six tips to improve the quality of your hires
With less than a quarter of UK businesses saying they’re confident about measuring the quality of their hires, finding and retaining the right people is more important than ever. How exactly do you achieve this however? Below we have listed … Continue reading
Six attributes of a great employee
Whether you’ve just started a new job, you’re working towards getting a promotion or you simply want to impress your manager, below are six attributes of a great employee which are bound to get you noticed. Ambitious Every company wants … Continue reading
Job interviews: character questions and how to answer them
Despite the fact that we probably know ourselves better than anyone else in the world, when it comes to character questions at job interviews, they always seem to trip us up. As the way many companies do business becomes increasingly … Continue reading
Do employers need to do more to impress candidates?
According to new research which has been published by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), companies are making basic mistakes in how they are engaging with job applicants and are therefore losing out on attracting the best talent. The report … Continue reading
How to stop yourself becoming disheartened when looking for a new job
Looking for a new job isn’t always easy or straight-forward. Sometimes we’re lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time and other times it can take months to find the right role. Because of this, it’s … Continue reading
The advantages of recruiting less experienced candidates
When we’re recruiting it’s natural to want to hire the most experienced and qualified people. After all, they’re the ones who are going to offer the most to our businesses right? Although you can’t knock a fantastic candidate and you … Continue reading
The 3 most common reasons candidates turn down job offers
Unfortunately it happens to even the most desired employers but still, there’s nothing more upsetting than spending valuable time and money on a lengthy recruitment process to have your top candidate reject your job offer. It can be difficult to … Continue reading
What makes candidates want to work for your company?
Finding the right candidate is a tough job but believe it or not it’s only half the battle. Ensuring that top quality employees want to work for your company requires a lot of hard work. After all, there is plenty … Continue reading
The seven deadly job hunting sins
Regardless of whether this is your first time job hunting or you have been there and done that many times, unfortunately, looking for a job never seems to get any easier or quicker. It can be a long-winded and time … Continue reading
Simple signs that a hiring manager isn’t warming to you and how to change that
Attending a job interview is nerve-wracking enough – let alone when you can’t shake off that niggling feeling that your interviewer hasn’t quite warmed to you. If you find yourself in this situation, try not to panic because believe it … Continue reading
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