Candidate News
Firms urged to embrace neurodiversity
Gen Z and remote workers signal last orders for post-work pints
Why hybrid workers are stressing out about the ‘coordination tax’
‘The Extra Shift’ The unpaid emotional labour expected of women at work
The Challenges of offering parental career advice
Can ‘less is more’ apply to the working week?
Is it possible to get as much work done in four days as five? The answer may not be what you expect and the benefits for staff are undeniable. Flexible working is still proving controversial in the profession. In the … Continue reading
Employers reveal their top workplace concerns
The annual European Employer Survey Report which was completed by nearly 600 in-house HR professionals has revealed what’s concerning employers most about today’s workplace. With many countries facing an ageing workforce, rapidly evolving technology and market pressures which are forcing … Continue reading
Top answers to some of the most common interview questions
No matter how many job interviews you’ve had, they can still be a nerve-wracking experience. One of the best ways to overcome interview nerves is to prepare beforehand. Below we have listed some of the most commonly asked questions at … Continue reading
The top reasons people leave their jobs
Staff turnover is unfortunately part of running any business. Although employees moving on to pastures new is to be expected from time-to-time, if people are handing in their notice on a regular basis, chances are there’s something wrong. As revealed … Continue reading
Five great ways to sell yourself at a job interview
Few of us are experts when it comes to boasting about our skills and achievements which is why job interviews so often feel like an incredibly stressful and daunting experience. The bad news is that if you really do want … Continue reading
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