Most of us have lost our cool during a job interview and for some, it may have even cost them the role. Although nerves are perfectly normal and almost impossible to 100% avoid, there are a number of things you can do during the preparation stage to help keep yourself cool and composed.
Research the interviewer
One of the scariest aspects of a job interview is the interviewer. Naturally we want to impress them as they are the one who has complete control over whether or not we secure the role. A great tip is to do a bit of research on them using LinkedIn. Not only does this show that you’re being diligent in your preparation but knowing their background and more about their current role will also make them seem less scary and provides some great conversation starters for the interview.
No doubt you’ve already heard this a million times but preparation really is key when you’re going to a job interview. The more you go over your CV, the job description, the background of the company and potential questions you may be asked, the more confident you will feel. Being put on the spot is never pleasant but if you’ve prepared then at least the information will be fresh in your mind so you won’t have to sit there panicking about what to say.
Handwrite your notes
When you prepare for a job interview properly there is a lot of information to take in. If you just have a quick look at their website and skim-read through a few interview questions then chances are when you’re put under pressure to relay this information, it will be gone. A great tip is to handwrite your answers. Not only does this force you to spend longer on your preparation but the physical act of writing something down aides your subconscious and means you are far more likely to remember the information when you need it.
Think positively
It sounds like a cliché but thinking positively really can affect your performance in a job interview. It’s normal to be nervous and an interviewer won’t hold it against you but you don’t want nerves to take over and ruin your chances of getting the job however. Make sure all your preparation is done and dusted the night before the interview so you don’t stress about it on the day. Have a hearty breakfast and do something that makes you feel really good just before leaving the house. Whether this is watching your favourite television programme, taking the dog for a walk, phoning your best friend or doing a bit of Internet shopping – those endorphins will help you feel good for your interview.
Make sure you leave with plenty of time to spare because nothing will stress you out more than turning up late. On your way to the interview visualise yourself getting the job, think positive thoughts and try to recall some of your favourite jokes. Turning up with a big smile on your face is guaranteed to impress the interviewer so before you’ve even spoken a word you’ve made a great impression.
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