Statistics have revealed that a whopping 50% of people admit to lying on their CV and that fabrications amongst executives are at an all-time high. Whilst it is natural to highlight strengths and achievements to increase the desirability of a CV, what is causing people to create completely fictitious scenarios and what are the implications of getting caught?
The 5 biggest lies people tell on their CV
- 27% of people have admitted to saying that they get paid more at their current job
than they actually do
- 19% have added extra work responsibilities that they don’t actually carry out
- 17% have overstated their work skills
- 15% of people have exaggerated their achievements
- 12% have improved grades achieved whilst in education with some people even completely making up qualifications
Why people lie on their CV
Since the recession hit, jobs have become hard to keep and even harder to find. With the ratio of applicants massively outweighing the number of jobs being posted, competition is fierce and job seekers have become desperate. In a bid to stand out from the crowd and get themselves noticed, more and more candidates have given into the temptation of embellishing their CV to increase their chances of securing a job.
Bear in mind however that just because your CV says you have a particular qualification and can manage certain responsibilities, it doesn’t actually mean that you can so you may find yourself in a tricky situation should you get the job.
The repercussions of getting caught
Stretching the truth on a CV or adding a few extras here and there may seem like a completely harmless way of increasing your chances of securing a new job. Be warned though, if caught, the consequences can be very serious. Although this is an extreme scenario and is unlikely to happen, in the eyes of the law, lying on your CV is actually seen as committing fraud by false representation and can in fact land you in jail for a maximum of ten years.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s just CEO’s of multi-billion pound companies that get caught out either. In 2010, Rhiannon Mackay was sacked from her NHS job after her employer found out that she had lied about having A-levels. Furthermore, she was sentenced to six months in prison and now faces the difficult task of explaining this to future employers.
A couple of years ago it may have been relatively easy to get away with making up the odd thing on your CV but since the introduction of social media platforms, it is now easier than ever before for potential employers to find out your whole life story. With a massive 95% of companies stating that they would have no hesitation in passing over a candidate who has lied about their educational achievements, simply put, it’s not worth the risk.
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