The biggest mistakes candidates make according to recruiters


Everyone knows what to do to demonstrate to recruiters that they’re the ideal candidate – arrive early, dress professionally, do your research, ask questions and be enthusiastic. Very few people think about what not to do however and that can be just as, if not more important when trying to secure a role.

Below are some of the worst mistakes that people make when looking for a job according to today’s recruiters. Avoid these and chances are that you will start receiving more positive feedback very quickly.

Exaggerate on your CV

One of the easiest ways to irritate a recruiter and take yourself out of the running is to exaggerate on your CV. Obviously your CV is the place to present yourself in the best possible light but don’t lie or exaggerate your skills, qualifications or experience. If recruiters don’t see right through you in the beginning, chances are that you will be found out at some point.

Focus on money

Obviously we work to earn money and salary expectations are significant when considering any job. However, it’s important not to let recruiters think that the only reason you are applying for a role is because of the money. Yes, you want a decent salary but employers are also looking for people who believe in their company values and are looking for personal fulfilment at work.

Pester recruitment consultants

Whilst it is good etiquette to follow up after an interview if you are keen, don’t overdo it. Once you have let them know you are interested, wait for them to contact you. Phoning or emailing obsessively will not only come across as desperate, but you are likely to irritate the recruiter which could affect your chances of getting a job offer.

Apply to anything and everything

When you want a new job quickly, it can be tempting to apply for absolutely anything you think you might be able to do. Whilst you may think this is increasing your chances of getting a job, it’s actually making it more difficult. Recruiters never seriously consider hiring people who do this and it would be much more beneficial to focus your efforts only on positions that complement your skills, experience and personality.

Make bad employment choices

With so many candidates looking for work, recruiters can now afford to be as picky as they like. Some can and do make decisions based on where you used to work so it’s always important to make sure that your employment choices reflect well on you in the future.

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