Regardless of whether or not you’re looking for a new job, there are plenty of things you can do to make sure that potential employers will never forget your name. As well as having an impressive CV, personal recommendations and networking with those in your industry are both fantastic ways of increasing your visibility and getting your foot in the door with future companies.
Networking provides you with the opportunity to get your name known to important people who are working within your industry. As well as making yourself look more credible, it also means that others are aware of you and your skills and are therefore more likely to remember you should a vacancy arise at their company. Additionally to this, increasing the number of individuals within your industry who can vouch for you means that potential employers are much more likely to take an interest in you.
Social Networking
Although social networking sites should be used with caution, they can be very beneficialwhen it comes to job hunting and connecting with others in your industry. LinkedIn is a highly professional network that allows you to connect with current, past and potential colleagues. As well as this it enables you to put your CV online so people who wouldn’t normally be able to access it can.
Twitter is a great way of finding out about job vacancies. Whether you are following a recruitment agency or a specific company that you want to work for, it is a quick and easy way of hearing about all the latest opportunities which are relevant to you.
Join Professional Organisations
Joining a professional organisation is a fantastic way to network, guarantee that you are on top of all the latest trends within your industry and meet other like-minded people. The added benefit to this is the fact that every single person in that group could be a potential colleague or manager. This means that the better you get to know them, the more likely they are to remember you if they hear of any relevant vacancies.
Have a fantastic CV
Unless a company already knows you, the first and only thing they have to judge you on is your CV. Bearing in mind that companies are sometimes presented with hundreds of applications for every job they advertise, it is absolutely vital to make sure that yours stands out.
Ensure that you tailor your CV to be as relevant as possible to the job you are applying for because companies can afford to be picky when it comes to looking for qualifications and experience. Employers always like to see any achievements you have made in previous roles so be sure to include this as well. For example, if you have implemented successful strategies, reduced costs or received a promotion in any of your previous roles, this is going to make you stand out from the vast majority of other applicants.
Interview Preparation
Securing an interview is one of the most difficult parts of job hunting because all you can do before this point is try to sell yourself on a piece of paper. However, when you do meet potential employers face-to-face, this is your opportunity to create a positive and lasting experience which is why interview preparation is vital. Do your research on the company, practice questions so that you can answer them confidently, think of questions to ask your potential employer and make sure that you dress professionally.
Click here to read more tips that will help you to get through the interview process confidently and successfully.
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