We have recently noticed an increase in international assignments and have placed finance professionals in Malta and Kuwait and we have live roles in Moscow and Dubai at the Controller level. This widening of our Geographical remit is largely due to enterprising clients working further afield. It has been relatively easy to service such positions given the tough UK market trading conditions and the enthusiasm of our registered professionals to be flexible for the right role. One of our Finance Director contacts has recently taken a position in Uruguay.
Closer to home there have been some bright spots in a tough economy. Unusually the permanent market has been relatively strong, especially at the part qualified and qualified level. Cash management and credit control have unsurprisingly been growth areas as well as corporate governance and audit. In particular we have had an influx of interim roles from one of our larger clients at HSBC around balance sheet control, we have also positions coming through from other retail banks and this is welcome demand that has lifted working interim numbers.
Our IT business has also picked up a number of roles as deferred spending has led to pent up demand some of which is now being released with a number of positions such as project manager and generic IT manager positions coming through on a regular basis. We have also set up an Accountancy Support division run by Andrew Pearce who recently joined from a major competitor. Andrew’s focus is ledger managers, cash management, credit control and part qualified analysts and management accountants.
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