Monthly Archives: May 2016
Social media and recruitment
As technology has advanced, the recruitment industry has almost completely transformed. Just ten years ago if somebody was looking for a new job they would have gone to a recruitment agency on the High Street and handed in their CV. … Continue reading
The top 10 mistakes candidates make at job interviews
Job interviews are a nerve-wracking experience and when we’re feeling on edge it’s easy to make mistakes or say silly things. Although a potential employer is unlikely to penalise you for being nervous, there are some things that they deem … Continue reading
Recruitment Market Analysis (Infographic)
The latest recruitment analysis has revealed that on a month on month basis, there has been an increase in the number of permanent and temporary jobs. The graduate jobs market is looking very promising with a 68% increase in the number … Continue reading
How to stop procrastinating and be more productive at work
Procrastination is one of the biggest killers of workplace productivity and we’re all guilty of it from time-to-time. Perhaps you have a lot going on at home, you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps, you’re struggling with a particular … Continue reading
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